
The configuration is created in one primary file: config/config.json in the project directory.

Make sure at least the following configuration is in your config file:

    "server": {
        "port": 9999
    "triggers": [],
    "events": [],
    "modules": []

Server configuration

The server configuration is required when you're running the back-end/server.js application!

    "server": {
        "port": 9999,
        "personalAccessTokenGitLab": "",
        "password": "p4ssw0rd"

The server object must be configured as following:

key required? description
port yes The port you want the server to run on
personalAccessTokenGitLab no A GitLab personal access token with read_repository permission
password no Read more in password protection

Module client configuration

The moduleClient configuration is required when you're running the back-end/module-client.js application!

    "moduleClient": {
        "master": "http://localhost:9999/"

The moduleClient object must be configured as following:

key required? description
master yes The address the server.js application is running on, so it can connect to its socket

Defining modules

If you want to use one of the status modules, it's required to add them to the "modules": [] array. Check the module specific configuration to see what you need to add into the array.

Defining events

Events are what can be triggered by a status. For example lets take a celebrate-success event. When that event is fired, you want multiple status modules to be triggered an execute some functionality.

An event object must be added the "events": [] array. An event object looks as following:

    "name": "celebrate-success",
    "modules": []
key required? description
name yes The name of the event
modules yes An array of modules that should be executed during the event

In that event you define what modules you want to trigger in the modules array.

    "name": "---module-name---",
    "push": {
        "_comment": "configuration to push to the module here"
key required? description
name yes The name of the module you want to trigger during the event
push yes An object with the configuration you want to push to the module during the event

Check the module specific configuration to see what you need to add into the array for that module.

A finished event configuration could look like this:

    "events": [
            "name": "celebrate-success",
            "modules": [
                    "name": "DashboardVideo",
                    "push": {
                        "youtubeKey": "ZTOIEz7p2KU",
                        "startAt": 20,
                        "duration": 20

Defining triggers

A trigger defines on what parameters an event needs to be triggered. When all attributes in the on object match, the event will be executed.

    "triggers": [
            "on": {
                "state": "success"
            "targetEventName": "celebrate-success"
            "on": {
                "subTitle": "master",
                "state": "error"
            "targetEventName": "master-error-sequence"
key required? description
on yes An object containing the keys and values you want to match with the status in order to trigger the event
targetEventName yes The name of the event you want to trigger for execution